Buy Telescopes Online at Best Prices in India - Space Arcade
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If you are planning to get your first Telescope, you have come to the right place. We at Space Arcade, know Telescopes and Optics very well and are here to help you decide.

A Telescope basically is a optical instrument which aids to far off things closer and magnified like sun, moon, planets and other celestial objects in our night sky and applicable for day time viewing also nature, birds, wildlife, landscapes etc. Telescope using convex lens as primary lens are called refractors and telescopes using concave mirror as primary mirrors are reflectors. Both types of Telescopes have their own benefits and shortcomings. Larger the aperture of telescope more light will be collected, better image features and clarity. More the focal length, more magnification is possible, which can also be increased high power eyepieces and additional barlows lenses. Some of our best suggestions after a thorough Quality check and from most reputed brands of Telescopes are available for purchase below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a telescope?

A telescope is an optical instrument designed to gather and focus light from distant objects. It is used to observe and study objects in space such as stars, galaxies, planets, and other celestial objects.

What is the difference between magnification and aperture?

Magnification is the factor by which a telescope increases the apparent size of an object. Aperture is the diameter of the telescope’s objective lens or primary mirror, which determines how much light the telescope can gather and how much detail can be seen.

What is the best telescope for beginners?

A small to medium-sized Dobsonian telescope is often recommended for beginners, as they are easy to set up and use and provide good views of the night sky.

Can I see distant objects like planets with a telescope?

Yes, a telescope can be used to observe planets, stars, and other celestial objects that are too distant to be seen with the naked eye. However, the quality of the view will depend on the quality of the telescope and other factors like atmospheric conditions.

How much should I spend on a telescope?

The amount you should spend on a telescope depends on your budget and how serious you are about astronomy. In general, you can find good quality telescopes for beginners starting at around $200, while more advanced telescopes can cost several thousand dollars.

How do I maintain my telescope?

Regular maintenance of a telescope is important to ensure its longevity and performance. You should keep it clean and dry, store it in a dry and dust-free place, and check for any signs of wear and tear on the components. You should also regularly collimate the mirrors (in the case of a reflecting telescope) to keep the image sharp.

Can I use a telescope during the day?

Yes, a telescope can be used during the day to observe objects like the sun, the moon, and planets like Venus and Jupiter. However, you should never point a telescope at the sun without a solar filter, as this can cause permanent eye damage.


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